Fibonacci Network - Official FAQs

What is fibonacci network ?

Fibonacci network is name of our web3 group. We are group of blockchain engineers with background in software engineering and maths. We have named our group after famous Italian mathematician Fibonacci. Our main goal is to develop cutting edge web3 applications for gaming, music and content creation industries.  You can read our whitepaper here.

What is fibonacci token ?

Fibonacci token is native token for all fibonacci network applications. Its ticker is FIBO and it is currently only hosted on Smart Chain. You can find it on bscscan.

What is fibonacci wallet ?

Fibonacci wallet is a custodial crypto wallet, which supports both off chain and on chain transactions. Users can use it as any other crypto wallet to transfer crypto as well as transferring crypto off chain. Fibonacci wallet is also only wallet which supports mining simulator for FIBO coin and all the airdrops for FIBO token is directly provided into fibonacci wallet.

Is fibonacci wallet a scam ?

No, Fibonacci wallet is not any kind of scam.It’s collaborative effort by a small team of block chain engineers to increase blockchain adoption among masses.We really want to see normal people using crypto in day to day life be it payment for purchasing music, or paying an international freelancer for your graphic design or movie editing work.

We want to make crypto easy for everyone.We do not charge any money to use fibonacci wallet. It is free and it will be forever.

Do fibonacci wallet steal my data ?

No, We do not have any intention to steal your private data. We only ask for minimum data which is needed for compliance and needed for app functionalities. We completely respect your privacy.

How do I earn more FIBO token ?

Currently you can mine FIBO token inside fibonacci wallet. You can also refer your friends and family to increase your mining rate. We are also collaborating with various game developers where you can earn fibo token.

What is current value of FIBO token ?

Currently FIBO token is traded on pancakeswap. Its value changes based on market demand and supply. Based on the lequidity price of FIBO token may remain volatile, which will become more stable once lequidity improves.

Where Can I track price of FIBO token ?

FIBO token price can be tracked on following independent website, which are not controlled by us:
1) poocoin :

How can I buy FIBO token ?

You can buy FIBO token currently on pancakeswap. Also you can buy FIBO tokens via Metamask and TrustWallet by using following details :

* Network : BSC ( Smart Chain )
* Contract Address : 0x009dff606c725e1033fad812b97fc157fe27e6fe
* Decimal : 18

How can I sell my FIBO token ?

Currently, You can transfer your token to pancake swap and then convert  to BNB. And then can convert it to Fiat. Also you can swap your FIBO tokens via Metamask and TrustWallet by using following details :

* Network : BSC ( Smart Chain )
* Contract Address : 0x009dff606c725e1033fad812b97fc157fe27e6fe
* Decimal : 18

Can I transfer my FIBO token to other wallet ?

Yes, you can transfer FIBO token to any popular wallet like metamask or trust wallet, considering you have enough gas to transfer your tokens.

How can I support FIBO community ?

You can spread word about fibonacci network on social media and to your friends. Please use #fiboniacs, #fibonacciwallet and #fibonaccinetwork.

Does FIBO Mining Simulator consume my mobile data ?

No, FIBO simulator runs on server side and does not consume your data.

Does FIBO Mining Simulator drains my mobile battery ?

No, FIBO simulator runs on server side and does not drain your mobile battery.

For requesting any further FAQs, please send email to :